Tisara Wintermourne
Succubus of Limsa and Giantess of Kraken
Professional Courtesan, Seasoned Freelance GPoser
Before the formation of Limsa Lominsa around the year of 874, one little girl by the name of Tisara Wintermourne came from the ship Galadion all on her own, her parents having died amid their escape from Aerslaent, seeking new land and new home after a fail coup d'état. Discovered by a FemHroth by the name of Raven on the shores of Vylbrand, she was raised under her protection for the coming years. With a poverty abound of it's citizens Tisara grew to know the same ends as many others in adulthood, piracy.
With her plundering of kobolds and those of the beast tribes around, her band of mates grew weak from failure upon failure of raids. Beaten and broken, during the year of 908, Tisara took charge of her band of pirates and joined up her brothers and sisters with another band of failures, creating a merciless horde known as The Derelicts. Over the next several years the would reap a hearty boon, their strength known far and wide, they saw their numbers grow. Tisara became a well feared woman along with her 2nd in command, a man by the name of Reven "Merciless" Irvine. Though none knew they had born a more intimate bond as they plundered, bearing a child their, Lilith.
Little Lilith lived a sheltered life, hidden from the rest of the crew, until the age of 5 she was discovered, her story a lie fed to the rest of the crew as a stray from one of the Kobold camps they ransacked.
Though the crew bought it initially, some grew suspicious of her, her appearance, behavior, attachment to Tisara and Reven. They eventually called attention to these details, rallying enough support to reveal the truth from their captain. Furious of the deception and suspicious and distrusting of Tisara's and Revens intent, they accused them of treason and sought out to make them pay for this with more than their lives, but with Liliths. Though they fought and cried, young 7 year old Lilith was taken down to the brig to a stray voidsent locked in a cell, picked up from one of their recent raids. With terror rampant in the childs heart, the voidsent drained Lilith of her aether in front of her parents. Broken and enraged, Tisara and Reven struck out against their crew in a blind fury, clearing out the immediate area of the crew and breaking the voidsent free.
Desperate to reclaim their daughters aether, they attacked the voidsent. Reven wasn't enough against the voidsent and killed after a tiresome fight, Tisara was left to take on the voidsent. Tirelessly she lashed out, using every last bit of her strength. After a hard fought battle, she claimed victory, slaying the voidsent. The daughters familiar aether free, Tisara stretched out her hand and took it for herself. The two aethers combined into one body, a mind in duality. The voidsent aether taking root in the mothers darker side of skills of debauchery, charm, and lust, the two in one, became a succubus. Reven dead from the hard fought battle, let out his last breath, knowing his daughter was saved.
With both the consciousness of Tisara and Lilith, they were able to live by another and guide each other in what it meant to be young and the wisdom of not just age, but also of the seedy underbelly of doing what one must to survive, they blended in and lead the people of Limsa Lominsa behind the scenes, pulling strings, every politician a pawn, witnessing history unfold without age apparent for the next 700+ years, taking aether as they needed from its citizens through that of lustful flesh, men and women alike, powerful and weak. She has cared for Limsa as her own, ensuring the her fate would never come to pass again. Recently she has taken more public appearance, as Captian of the Maelstorm. Right at the Admiral Merlwybs side, her coersive ways, though charm and touch, have guided the two to Limsa's most prosperous state.
Able to manipulate her aether, she finds comfort as a giantess and shapshifting to be as she sees fit. Always Elezen but holding forms of Viera and Au ra, seeing her once, doesn't mean she'll be the same the next. Able to change her body from F to F+
Though were one to anger her, the form of a calamity succubus would be brought to bear. Few seeing this and none living to tell, it's told that the rage shown would sunder the worlds once more, rivaling the power of Hydaelyn herself in her prime.

Name: Tisara Wintermourne
Race: Elezen
Nationality: Eorzean (Limsa Lominsa)
Sexual Orientation: Polysexual
Marital Status: Single
Age: 700+ years
Home: Dynamis Kraken, Mist, Ward 8 Plot 14
Alliance: The Maelstrom
Profession: Courtesan, Photographer, Security, Interior Designer
Personality: Hardy, Thoughtful, Aloof, Dedicated, Trustworthy
Likes: Guns, Tinkering, Machinery, Fighting, Sex, Conversation
Dislikes: Betrayal, Dishonesty, Unprovoked Hostility
Pricing for services: SFW session 650k, NSFW session 1.5 Mil